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Апага бжишк (1269-70) 12-13.2012 Сентябрь

The acting rector of YSMU, professor Samvel Avetisyan’s speech to the freshmen

The acting rector of YSMU, professor  Samvel Avetisyan’s  speech to the freshmen

I am glad to greet the ones who took the hardest challenge of becoming the students of YSMU and won it, who had the greatest feeling of the fulfilment of their dreams, who started the honourable but at the same time the hard way of becoming a doctor.


I am absolutely sure that each of you know that the specialization of a doctor requires ultimate responsibility, great commitement and even self sacrifice, as the most precious – the human life and health is entrusted him.


The motto of your specialization is not chosen by chance, - don't harm and also the symbol – the burning candle, that describe the specialization that you're going to have from now on.


So, my first commandment to each of you: study with high sense of responsibility and honor from the very fisrt day, make your each day the precious period of gaining the knowledge which will ensure your upflight for the struggle of human health.


I have special greetings to the students of military medicine faculty. Each of you is going to become not only a doctor but a military doctor. This is a responsible job.Being an officer of the armenina army is not only taking care of the soldiers’ health but also keep the reputation of the armenian officer high.


Out of numerous applicants you were chosen to become the students of the only Armenian Medical University in the world. Take that responsibility with great honor! 


Welcome and wish you efficient years of study here, dear freshmen!

Источник. Апага бжишк (1269-70) 12-13.2012 Сентябрь
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